Tina's past relationship with an abusive ex-girlfriend was hinted at when she was introduced. On 9 February 2014, it was announced Rebecca Scroggs would play Tosh Mackintosh, her firefighter ex who she would reconcile with. Tina tracked down Tosh after realising she still loved her. About their relationship, Scroggs said that 'there's something about Tina that Tosh is really drawn to', but Tina's family 'put pressure' on their relationship. Shirley was Tosh's main advisory and locked Tina in the lounge of the Vic to try and stop her seeing Tosh after a memorable showdown in which Tosh sprayed Shirley to the ground with her fireman's hose. Despite turbulence in their relationship, Scroggs insisted that 'the love between Tina and Tosh is very real'. Bradshaw-White admitted that both her and Scroggs struggled to find the chemistry with Tina and Tosh, due to their drawn out fictional history.