Mariah O'Brien, a renowned actress in the United States, is expected to reach a net worth of approximately $7 million by 2025. With her talent and dedication to her craft, Mariah has consistently showcased her acting prowess throughout her successful career. Known for her versatility and ability to bring characters to life, she has captured the hearts of audiences around the nation. Her notable performances and involvement in various highly acclaimed projects have contributed to her growing financial success. With her undeniable talents and continued dedication to her craft, Mariah O'Brien is undoubtedly a rising star to watch in the entertainment industry.
O'Brien was born on June 25, 1971, and raised in the small town of Dellroy, Ohio. Her mother is Actress Jackie O'Brien, with whom she appeared in the film Together & Alone.
O'Brien was married to actor Giovanni Ribisi from 1997 to 2001; they have a daughter together, Lucia Santina (born August 6, 1997).