He served as Writer and Director for the 2008 computer-animated film Roadside Romeo. Produced jointly by Yash Raj Films and Walt Disney Studios, it featured the voices of Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Javed Jaffrey. It received negative reviews from critics, but won the National Film Award from the President of India for Best Director (Animation Film), Best Film (Animation Film) and Technical Award for Best Animation. It also won Best Animation Film at the Cairo International Film Festival, judged by an international jury of children. A song sequence from the film was also nominated for the Visual Effects Society Awards in Los Angeles for Best Animated Sequence alongside sequences from WALL-E and Kung Fu Panda. It also won awards for Best Animation Film and Best Director (Animation Film) at the Screen Awards, India and at Frames FICCI. In June 2012, Hansraj was invited by Film Victoria to host a Master Class session at the Indian Film Festival Melbourne. The session was on the subject of animation in India and his experiences in making the first animation feature in India, and in co-production possibilities between India and Victoria State for animation features.