In the world of anime, he is most famous for his roles as Keitaro Urashima in Love Hina, DemiDevimon and Piedmon in Digimon, Ken Ichijouji and Veemon in Digimon 02 and Impmon in Digimon Tamers. He is also the voice of kokichi ouma from "new danganronpa v3" and fuyuhiko kuzuryu from "Danganronpa 2: goodbye despair". Currently, he can be heard as Uryū Ishida in Bleach and Shino Aburame in Naruto. He also provides the voice of Vexen in the English-language version of the Kingdom Hearts series. Derek has been part of the Voice123 roaster since September, 2008. He recently reprised his role as Ken Ichijouji for AficionadosChris' review of Digimon. Some of the characters he voices are intellectuals or brainy, such as Vexen and Uryū and most recently Freeza.