David Bohm Net Worth

. David Bohm was an American born theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to science in his lifetime, particularly in the areas of quantum theory, neuropsychology and philosophy. After graduating high school, he went on to study science in college and later filled professorships at a few universities. His research was instrumental in the Manhattan Project and the Hiroshima bomb incident, which led to his imprisonment due to suspected ties with the Communists. This caused Princeton University to deny his reappointment as a professor, forcing him to leave the US and settle in Brazil. Despite the controversy surrounding some of his work, his ideas have opened the line of thought for many others and his earliest work on the 'implicate and explicate order' has been used as the template by which much of physics and science is judged. David Bohm was a pioneer of the mind and human reality.
David Bohm is a member of Scientists

Age, Biography and Wiki

Who is it? Scientist
Birth Day December 20, 1917
Birth Place Wilkes-Barre, United States
Died On October 27, 1992(1992-10-27) (aged 74)\nLondon, England, UK
Birth Sign Capricorn
Citizenship American Brazilian British
Alma mater Pennsylvania State College California Institute of Technology University of California, Berkeley
Known for Bohm-diffusion Bohm interpretation De Broglie–Bohm theory Hidden variable theory Bohm quantum potential Aharonov–Bohm effect Holographic paradigm Holomovement Holonomic brain theory Bohm dialogue Bohm criterion Nonradiation condition Pilot wave Plasmon Implicate and explicate order Random phase approximation Quantum decoherence Quantum mind
Awards 1991  Elliott Cresson Medal 1990  Royal Society fellowship
Fields Theoretical physics
Institutions Manhattan Project Princeton University University of São Paulo Technion University of Bristol Birkbeck College, London
Doctoral advisor Robert Oppenheimer
Doctoral students Y. Aharonov D. Pines J. Bub H. Bortoft
Influences Albert Einstein Jiddu Krishnamurti
Influenced John Stewart Bell Peter Senge

💰 Net worth: $19 Million (2024)

David Bohm, a renowned scientist in the United States, is expected to have a net worth of $19 million by 2024. Bohm's remarkable contributions in the field of quantum physics and his extensive research on the nature of reality have earned him both recognition and financial success. As a physicist, philosopher, and author, Bohm has significantly influenced the scientific community with his theories on quantum mechanics and the interconnectedness of the universe. His net worth reflects not only his achievements in the scientific realm but also his wide-reaching impact on the understanding of the fundamental nature of our universe.

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David Joseph Bohm FRS (/bm/; December 20, 1917 – October 27, 1992) was an American scientist who has been described as one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century and who contributed unorthodox ideas to quantum theory, neuropsychology and the philosophy of mind.


Bohm was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to a Hungarian Jewish immigrant father, Samuel Bohm, and a Lithuanian Jewish mother. He was raised mainly by his father, a furniture-store owner and assistant of the local rabbi. Despite being raised in a Jewish family, he became an agnostic in his teenage years. Bohm attended Pennsylvania State College (now Pennsylvania State University), graduating in 1939, and then the California Institute of Technology, for one year. He then transferred to the theoretical physics group directed by Robert Oppenheimer at the University of California, Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, where he obtained his doctorate.


During World War II, the Manhattan Project mobilized much of Berkeley's physics research in the effort to produce the first atomic bomb. Though Oppenheimer had asked Bohm to work with him at Los Alamos (the top-secret laboratory established in 1942 to design the atom bomb), the project's Director, General Leslie Groves, would not approve Bohm's security clearance after seeing evidence of his politics (Bohm's friend, Joseph Weinberg, had also been suspected of espionage).


Bohm remained in Berkeley, teaching physics, until he completed his Ph.D. in 1943 by an unusual circumstance. According to Peat (see reference below, p. 64), "the scattering calculations (of collisions of protons and deuterons) that he had completed proved useful to the Manhattan Project and were immediately Classified. Without security clearance, Bohm was denied access to his own work; not only would he be barred from defending his thesis, he was not even allowed to write his own thesis in the first place!" To satisfy the university, Oppenheimer certified that Bohm had successfully completed the research. Bohm later performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge, which was used for the electromagnetically enrichment of uranium for the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.


After the war, Bohm became an assistant professor at Princeton University, where he worked closely with Albert Einstein. In May 1949, the House Un-American Activities Committee called upon Bohm to testify because of his previous ties to suspected communists. Bohm invoked his Fifth Amendment right to refuse to testify, and he refused to give evidence against his colleagues.


In the early 1950s, Bohm's causal quantum theory program was mostly negatively received, with a widespread tendency among physicists to systematically ignore both Bohm personally and his ideas. There was a significant revival of interest in Bohm's ideas in the late 1950s and the early 1960s; the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society in Bristol in 1957 was a key turning point toward greater tolerance of his ideas.


From 1951 to 1953, Bohm and David Pines published the articles in which they introduced the random phase approximation and proposed the plasmon.


At the University of São Paulo, Bohm worked on the causal theory that became the subject of his publications in 1952. Jean-Pierre Vigier traveled to São Paulo, where he worked with Bohm for three months; Ralph Schiller, student of cosmologist Peter Bergmann, was his assistant for two years; he worked with Tiomno and Walther Schützer; and Mario Bunge stayed to work with him for one year. He was in contact with Brazilian physicists Mário Schönberg, Jean Meyer, Leite Lopes, and had discussions on occasion with visitors to Brazil, including Richard Feynman, Isidor Rabi, Léon Rosenfeld, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Herbert L. Anderson, Donald Kerst, Marcos Moshinsky, Alejandro Medina, and the former assistant to Heisenberg, Guido Beck, who encouraged him in his work and helped him to obtain funding. The Brazilian CNPq explicitly supported his work on the causal theory and funded several researchers around Bohm. His work with Vigier was the beginning of a long-standing cooperation between the two and Louis De Broglie, in particular, on connections to the hydrodynamics model proposed by Madelung. Yet the causal theory met much resistance and skepticism, with many physicists holding the Copenhagen interpretation to be the only viable approach to quantum mechanics.


In 1955 Bohm relocated to Israel, where he spent two years working at the Technion, at Haifa. There, he met Sarah ("Saral") Woolfson, whom he married in 1956.


In 1957, Bohm relocated to the United Kingdom as a research fellow at the University of Bristol. In 1959, Bohm and Aharonov discovered the Aharonov–Bohm effect, showing how a magnetic field could affect a region of space in which the field had been shielded, but its vector potential did not vanish there. That showed for the first time that the magnetic vector potential, hitherto a mathematical convenience, could have real physical (quantum) effects. In 1961, Bohm was made Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of London's Birkbeck College, becoming emeritus in 1987. His collected papers are stored there.


Contrary to many other Scientists, Bohm did not exclude the paranormal out of hand. Bohm temporarily even held Uri Geller's bending of keys and spoons to be possible, prompting warning remarks by his colleague Basil Hiley that it might undermine the scientific credibility of their work in physics. Martin Gardner reported this in a Skeptical Inquirer article and also critiqued the views of Jiddu Krishnamurti, with whom Bohm had met in 1959 and had had many subsequent exchanges. Gardner said that Bohm's view of the interconnectedness of mind and matter (on one occasion, he summarized, "Even the electron is informed with a certain level of mind.") "flirted with panpsychism."


In addition to his scientific work, Bohm was deeply interested in exploring the nature of consciousness, with particular attention to the role of thought as it relates to attention, motivation, and conflict in the individual and in society. Those concerns were a natural extension of his earlier interest in Marxist ideology and Hegelian philosophy. His views were brought into sharper focus through extensive interactions with the psychological Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, beginning in 1961. Their collaboration lasted a quarter of a century, and their recorded dialogues were published in several volumes.


Bohm continued his work in quantum physics after his retirement, in 1987. His final work, the posthumously-published The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory (1993), resulted from a decades-long collaboration with Basil Hiley. He also spoke to audiences across Europe and North America on the importance of dialogue as a form of sociotherapy, a concept he borrowed from London Psychiatrist and practitioner of Group Analysis Patrick de Maré, and he had a series of meetings with the Dalai Lama. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1990.


The mature expression of Bohm's views in the psychological field was presented in a seminar conducted in 1990 at the Oak Grove School, founded by Krishnamurti in Ojai, California. It was one of a series of seminars held by Bohm at Oak Grove School, and it was published as Thought as a System. In the seminar, Bohm described the pervasive influence of thought throughout society, including the many erroneous assumptions about the nature of thought and its effects in daily life.


Near the end of his life, Bohm began to experience a recurrence of the depression that he had suffered earlier in life. He was admitted to the Maudsley Hospital in South London on 10 May 1991. His condition worsened and it was decided that the only treatment that might help him was electroconvulsive therapy. Bohm's wife consulted Psychiatrist David Shainberg, Bohm's longtime friend and collaborator, who agreed that electroconvulsive treatments were probably his only option. Bohm showed improvement from the treatments and was released on 29 August, but his depression returned and was treated with medication.


Bohm died after suffering a heart attack in Hendon, London, on 27 October 1992, at 74. He had been traveling in a London taxicab on that day. After getting no response from the Passenger in the back seat for a few seconds, the driver found that Bohm had collapsed.


Bohm's aim was not to set out a deterministic, mechanical viewpoint but to show that it was possible to attribute properties to an underlying reality, in contrast to the conventional approach. He began to develop his own interpretation (the De Broglie–Bohm theory, also called the pilot wave theory), the predictions of which agreed perfectly with the non-deterministic quantum theory. He initially called his approach a hidden variable theory, but he later called it ontological theory, reflecting his view that a stochastic process underlying the phenomena described by his theory might one day be found. Bohm and his colleague Basil Hiley later stated that they had found their own choice of terms of an "interpretation in terms of hidden variables" to be too restrictive, especially since their variables, position, and momentum "are not actually hidden."