The 67th Berlin International Film Festival saw the release of A Fantastic Woman (2017), directed by Sebastián Lelio, a film for which her performance was acclaimed by critics. A Fantastic Woman tells the story of Marina (played by Vega) and Orlando (played by Francisco Reyes), an older man with whom she is in love and planning a Future. After Orlando falls ill and dies, Marina is forced to face family and society, and fight again to show who she is: a fantastic woman. Critic Guy Lodge in a review for Variety praising Vega's performance said: "Vega's tough, expressive, and subtly distressed performance deserves far more than political praise." He continued to note that "It’s a multi-layered, emotionally polymorphous feat of acting, nurtured with pitch-perfect sensitivity by her Director, who maintains complete candor on Marina’s condition without pushing her anywhere she wouldn’t herself go." Her name was strongly mentioned for an Oscar nomination as Best Actress. She won an award for her performance at the Palm Springs International Film Festival for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film. Vega became the first openly transgender person in history to be an Academy Awards presenter at the 90th Academy Awards in 2018.