In Oct. 2014, Cher Wang refused to accept the Final Award of the "HKIAC / A11022 arbitration" and appealed to the Hong Kong High Court (Case No.:HCCT40 / 2014) before Judge Mimmie Chan. Wang asserted that the Award was contrary to public policy. VIA product VT3421, an anti-hack chip (also named asTF376) was suspected in assisting the Chinese government of surveilling mobile devices of anti-communist and human rights Activists. VIA executive Li Shaolun (Steven S. Lee) admitted in the proceedings that VIA chips did have "back door". The Hong Kong HKIAC sentenced VIA with compensation. In a hearing before the Justice Mimmie Chan, in the High Court of Hong Kong, she said she believed the Award was in violation of Hong Kong's public order and morals. In June 2015 in she remised the case back to Arbitrator Anthony Neoh. The tribunal upheld the conviction in October 2015, and VIA lost the case for millions of dollars.